Americans Still Look Forward to Receiving Traditional Mail
Do you get like opening your mailbox at the end of the day? If so, you’re not alone. According to a study conducted by Gallup Daily, 41% of Americans look forward to checking their mailbox. And of those 41%, Americans 65 and older are the most likely to enjoy checking the mail, while a noteworthy 36% of Americans 30 and under also reported enjoyment.
The study also discovered that more than 90% of Americans experience a positive reaction when they receive personal letters or cards. 83% feel positive when they receive a package, while 60% feel positive about receiving magazines. Letters from businesses, bills, and advertising fliers fared less favorably, however, that’s certainly not cause for concern.
Based on customer sentiment, it would be wise for advertisers to create advertising that looks and feels similar to personal letters and magazines. Using customer analytics, marketers can tailor advertising to their target audience and even include personalization techniques, like directly addressing the recipient by their first name in the marketing copy.
Personalization via traditional mail has become increasingly effective over the past few years. From Facebook to email, consumers are bombarded with online messaging, and it’s become so bad that a recent study revealed the emergence of a brand new type of customer – the “Deletist Consumer.”
In the early days of email marketing, businesses could flood consumers with flashy ads and rigged contests – and it would actually work. Those days are now long gone, though. According to a study conducted by the Aimia Institute, a marketing and loyalty analytics company, 57% of consumers intentionally avoid brands that barrage them with communication. 69% have even unfollowed brands on social media or cancelled subscriptions because they received messaging that provided little value.
Now, those statistics don’t mean that that email marketing doesn’t work – because it does when applied correctly. In fact, when email marketing and direct mail marketing are used in tandem, ROI can increase significantly more than when only one medium is used. The secret is to understand customer psychology and intermix traditional mail marketing and digital marketing tactics to deliver tailored communication that customers perceive as relevant and valuable.
With an influx of digital communication, it’s increasingly harder for marketers to stand out in a sea of potential spam. Contrary to what some may say, Americans are interested in receiving their daily dose of traditional mail. To capture a larger market share and increase conversions, marketers should focus on delivering personalized advertisements that resonate with consumers and generate the same emotions that personal cards and letters evoke.
Need some help? KD Mailing’s team of experts can help you create profitable direct mail marketing campaigns. Give us a call today for a free consultation.