Holiday Mailing Tips
Waiting in line at the post office, UPS or FedEx/Kinko’s is not a big deal most of the year, but for a few weeks around the holiday the lines are long, the parking lot is full and the traffic is jammed. If you’re mailing packages during this busy time of year you can lower your ... Read More...Three Purposes of Direct Mail Prospecting
If your business deals with local customers direct mail marketing is a tool that you need to be using. The following three purposes of direct mail highlight the value it brings to local businesses of any size. First, a well prepared direct mail campaign allows you to build a strong infrastructure with the community. Trust, availability ... Read More...Mailing List Woes
“Chickens don’t have teeth”. That, along with a cartoon drawing of a chicken, was the only message on the front side of a postcard. The backside displayed the name and address of the recipient and the name and phone number of an orthodontist. That’s it. No sales hook. No brand message. No marketing. Oh, and ... Read More...Utilize Direct Mail Marketing for Car Dealerships
Most car dealerships use direct mail to find new customers. Some dealerships blanket everyone in a specific market with their mail piece while others are more targeted in their approach. Using our buy a mailing list tool a car dealer is able to find very specific demographics; they can market to households with families of ... Read More...