Catalog Printing and Marketing
If your organization sells products either through a brick and mortar location or online the declining economy has almost certainly been hurting your sales. While there are many things that can be done to market your business one of the best is to send out a print catalog.
According to – Print catalogs are one of the secret tools of the best converting ecommerce sites. A print catalog, once mailed, will often be passed around the office and becomes the go-to place to quickly find needed products. Mailing catalogs to consumer homes is a great way to open up a new marketing channel.
Print catalogs are relatively cheap to produce. A quality lettershop like KD Mailing can help you with all your design and print needs. A simple way to start would be to pick your top products to include in a catalog and use your customer database to mail them out. You do not need to start with a 50 or 100 page catalog. A simple, high quality 4 page catalog can do wonders for business if you have the right mailing list. Even a list that contains addresses where people have moved is not a total waste – the person living at the address may just become a new customer.
If you don’t have a catalog or you need to update your existing catalog – KD Mailing can help you develop, print and mail this powerful marketing tool.