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On January 27, 2015

Why Including Direct Mail in Your 2015 Marketing Plan Will Increase Your Bottom Line

Consider this: on average U.S. advertisers spend around $167 per person on direct mail. And from that $167, they earn a per person average of $2,095 worth of goods sold. That’s a 1,300% return!

With those kinds of returns, you’d think that everyone would be championing the power of print… but they’re not. So, what’s the catch? There isn’t one. Here’s why print is making a comeback in 2015.


Stand Out with Print

When tech emerged, it was viewed as the newest, coolest way to reach consumers. And like all great fads, business owners quickly jumped on the bandwagon. But in 2015, there’s simply too much noise online and it’s becoming increasingly harder to penetrate through the clutter. With far fewer postcards showing up in the mail, people are also discovering that they miss the simple gesture of a postmarked letter delivered to their door.

In 2015, print can increase conversion rates and marketing return on investment because consumers actually appreciate receiving mail. Something as simple as a thank you note has the ability to make store owners stand out from their competitors and gain greater brand recognition in today’s cluttered marketing stratosphere.


Combining Tech with Print

80% of households read and/or browse their advertising mail. And there are tons of ways that you can use those stats with technology to help you increase conversion rates and reinforce your online marketing strategies. In 2015, explore:

  • AdWords & ReMarketing
  • Augmented Reality
  • QR Codes
  • USB Web Keys
  • Near Field Communication

Hamilton Davison, the President and Executive Director of American Catalog Mailers Association says, “It’s been proven time and again that catalogs and direct mail yield loyal customers and steady response rates, yet a growing number of direct marketers reallocate dollars away from mail to newer channels that may not perform as well. Holding traditional media constant while experimenting with new methods is a much better way than blindly diverting resources from proven, reliable channels, such as catalogs and direct mail.”


Looking Forward to 2015

Direct mail marketing – and marketing in general – has changed over the last several years; it no longer depends on how wide you cast your net, it’s all about who you are connecting with. Your ability to connect one-to-one with the right consumer is what will differentiate 2015 from good to great.

Hamilton Davison, the President and Executive Director of American Catalog Mailers Association says, “It’s been proven time and again that catalogs and direct mail yield loyal customers and steady response rates, yet a growing number of direct marketers reallocate dollars away from mail to newer channels that may not perform as well. Holding traditional media constant while experimenting with new methods is a much better way than blindly diverting resources from proven, reliable channels, such as catalogs and direct mail.”

So as you begin to develop marketing strategies for 2015, don’t forget to throw in a few direct mail campaigns!

  • By Hal.Cohen  0 Comments